Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 1: Daily: January 27th

Will a "hypertext" world make us more accepting of cyclic history?

No, I do not think a "hypertext" world will make us more accepting of cyclic history. Cyclic history method is that basically, history repeats itself and continues to repeat. Hypertext is the information displayed on a computer or any other technological device. I don’t believe that electronics can enforce us to take in the idea that history repeats itself. Electronics can help us understand why this can be believed. It can show us ways that this can be seen to be true in some people’s eyes. Internet or anything else cannot make a difference in whether or not we accept cyclic history. If someone believes in cyclic history, it is because they actually truly have seen evidence of it and can debate that it is true. Hypertext will be able to give us easier ways to show the information of cyclic history. Using hypertext, you can find information quickly and you can trust it for the most part. It can make it easier to follow and accept cyclic history, but I do not believe that it can fully change the way we think. The hypertext world can help to back up these believes of the person who accepts cyclic history, but it does not make people accept it more.

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