Thursday, April 14, 2011

Essay: Week 7; April 14th 2011; Rough Draft

Question: Did the Roman Empire 'decline and fall' or did it evolve into something new?

The Ancient Roman Empire was a great empire in the ancient times of the world. It is considered one of the best empires in world history. The emperor and army were strong, the government had most control, and the people were equal. It is a big debate how this great democracy ceased to exist. Some say that the Roman Empire simply turned into something different, but the Ancient Roman Empire fall or collapsed as a result of many different glitches in the government and its people.

"The middle years of the first century BC were marked by violence in the city, and fighting between gangs supporting rival politicians and political programs." (BBC) The ages of violence that broke out between citizens and gangs affected the fall of the government because the government could not get control of the fights and violence. Gangs formed and groups of citizens were set against each other. This caused tension among to people of Rome. Some of the government had different ways of dealing with it, which caused even more conflicts. The fights just led to more things than what was happening. The conflicts among all of the people were dragging on with their empire and it was affecting the empire in several bad ways.

"Augustus was both canny and lucky. When he died in 14 AD, aged well over 70, he was succeeded by his stepson, Tiberius. By then the idea of the 'free republic' was just the romantic pipe-dream of a few nostalgic." (BBC) After Augustus' death, his stepson took over and started a new government since the current one "was not working" with the community. It was begun because Tiberius did not agree with the type of government that was in Rome at the time. There were many problems already with the earlier government and Tiberius believed that if it just changed completely, the problems would go away. That did not happen at all. Many of the problems stay as they were or even caused more conflicts.

"By 14 AD, when the first emperor Augustus died, popular elections had all but disappeared. Power was located not in the old republican assembly place of the forum, but in the imperial palace. The assumption was that Augustus's heirs would inherit his rule over the Roman world - and so they did." (BBC) The first sign that something was going wrong was the loss of government. When the current leader Augustus died, all government just crashed. No one knew who was in charge or who was ruling. The citizens did not know who to follow or what to abide by. There was major confusion inside of the Roman Empire after the death of Augustus.

To some people, the Roman Empire was formed into a new and improved different type of government. They feel as though the government was not dropped but it was made into something different. Others argue that the Roman Empire fell and collapsed because of several problems coming together. The problems did not seem like a lot when they were separate. All of the problems together, though, caused a huge issue.

Work Cited:
Beard, Mary. (2011) The fall of the Roman Republic. BBC.

1 comment:

  1. The topic of the essay should have been whether the Roman Empire fell, but your examples are all of the beginning of the Empire under Augustus. In the second to last paragraph, your quote says that Augustus' heirs inherited his rule, but your analysis says that "no one knew who was ruling". Which is it?

    Further, you list three sources (note: not in proper APA bibliography format)but only use one in your essay.

    I'd suggest treating this as a rough draft and re-submitting a final for further review.
