Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Exam Question #2

The Agricultural Revolution affected life and the development of cities in many ways. It caused people to sit down and live in one spot, rather than moving with their animals which were their food. They could start farms and cities because they could now stay in one spot. They could also now have jobs because they could tend to the crops and sell them. The agricultural revolution allowed people to do many different, new things with their lives.,36.474609&spn=9.816262,19.753418&t=h&z=6

Times aren't going well in the agricultural world. Crops are dying and no one grows any food anymore. Global warning seems to be affecting how the agriculture is doing. The high heats and constant storms give the crops no time to grow or too much heat. Animals are eating all the nutrients in the soil and grass causing the crops to die. Things are completely going downhill for the farmers and their farms. 
Other humans aren't exactly helping the situation with this either. Too many buildings are going up, which means tearing down the only healthy forests and building over our clean rivers. Global warming awareness still isn't enough. People don't know what is going on or what to do to fix anything. If we don't start to fix things in our world, we might not have anything left.

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