Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2: Daily: February 1st

 Describe the importance of water in the ancient world. (from Twitter)


Water was extremely important to the living creatures of the ancient times. Just like there is today, they grew their own food and needed water in order to survive. Water was a necessity to live. People didn’t have Sprite or Pepsi back in the fourth millennium. Only richer people were allowed to have anything flavored. In the Andes Mountains in Peru, archaeologists found irrigation systems from the 4th millennium. That long ago, they still need water to plant their crops and drink so they could have food and water. People think that back in ancient times they didn’t have basically anything and weren’t capable of doing anything. Obviously, they weren’t as advanced as we are now is present time, but they had basics like water and irrigation systems. They had to plant their own foods since electricity had not come around yet. They weren’t able to use a stove or oven so they had to have fruits or vegetables grown from their fields. If they weren’t too poor, they could possibly have a cow and eat that once it got to the point where they could eat it. Yes, they had fire so they could cook it. But all of these things basically all come back to water. Water was and still is one of the most importantly things in life for humans.

1 comment:

  1. Water is a very important factor in the ways of survival for humans, animals, and plants. Maybe you could've put more information about the use of water in places we learned about in class such as Greece and Persia.
