Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3: Daily: Wednesday February 9th

What is the oldest human-created artifact that has mattered to you? Why/how does it matter?

The oldest human created artifact that has mattered to me is probably hospitals and medicine. I’m not sure if this is truly an artifact, but it does date back to very early times where they had medicines for ill people. These things are very important to me because without them, we would all be sick a lot and there would be no way to completely treat the sicknesses. It should matter to everyone else in the world too. Just think, if we didn’t have doctors and medicines to make us feel better, we all would not even want to live. We would be sick a lot more than we are now, because without all of this, we would not cure anything and diseases and viruses would just keep growing and growing. With nothing there to stop it, these diseases and viruses would take over our population and wipe out the human race entirely. You do not necessarily have to look at how it would affect you right now, but maybe later on in your life or early in your life. You wouldn’t even be born if it wasn’t for doctors in our hospitals to deliver you. Hospitals and medicines is the most important artifact to me because without them, we would all be gone.


  1. Your ideas are very interesting. Medicine is very important to the world today and a lot of people cannot access the new medicines but it has saved many lives. Try to elaborate more on what "gone" means. Good work!

  2. I think this blog post was very interesting. I think it is great how things like medicines are the most important to you.
