Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 3: Daily: Monday February 7th

"War is a form of technology". Agree or Disagree.

I agree with the statement that war is a form of technology. War is caused by so many different things, from actual physical disagreements to ways of perceiving ideas. Technology is so popular now a days that everything is now done through technology. People don’t communicate using cave-drawings anymore. People use Skype and other forms of technological communication. Without technology, we would be stuck the way we were in the much earlier times. It’s possible that we could not even have a language. We could be communicating using hand signals or drawings. Technology allows us to do many new and highly advanced things that people had never even dreamed of before.  With war, countries are forced to reign on top of other countries. In order to do this, that certain country has to be advanced and ready to back up anything that comes their way. Advances in technology enable countries to do this. The internet allows the leaders or countries to research enormous amounts of information. Anyone could go out and find anything on the internet if they tried to. Technology enables countries to do anything they ever need to. They advance in war using technology, so I would say yes, war is a form of technology.


  1. maybe you could write about some of the Greek wars to relate this daily to what we learn in class

  2. I wrote almost the same thing in my blog. War is a great form of technology because its different but yet, many people used this technique.
