Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 4b: Daily 24th

What do you think should have been done after Alexander's death?
When Alexander the Great died, it was literally chaos. No one knew what to do, so all of his generals we retrying to take over. Alexander died unexpected so he did not have a plan for someone to take over. There are several theories to how he died. Some say that he was poisoned, he had a disease, or he got too drunk. After leaving no heir to take over for him, the city was crazy. If I was in that situation, I would have all the generals come together to take control over some things. Some generals would deal with the army and some would deal with the citizens. After that, there could be an election held to elect a new leader of Greece. Instead of everyone fighting for power, they needed everyone to be ready to communicate and agree on some things. People were fighting over who would become leader at this point. This did not help the situation at all. There needed to be union between people and there needed to be discussions about the next leader. If the people united and started to work things out instead of fighting, things would have been much easier. There would not have been half of the disagreements there were. After Alexander’s death, the citizens and generals needed to come together to work things out on the leader.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog G. it seems a little short though... maybe add some more facts about what actually happend after Alexander's Death? You were also missing some key points but overall a good blog
