Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekly 3: Our John Carroll Megalith Project

Our civilization is called the Xobile civilization. They have lived in Bel Air, Maryland for thousands of years. This civilization was founded around 100 b.c. my the famous Myan explorer, Kimosabe. Our civilization prospered to to the areas high amount of fertile soil. The Xobile took off agriculture making new tools such as plows and domesticating local deer to pull the plows.
Our culture fell upon poor times when the climate dropped majorly. Many people died of starvation. All of our domesticated deer died. When the summer came around though due to the leadership of Kimosabe the leader rebounded. They population came back and they were able to create enough surplus to survive the winter. Thanks to Kimosabe our civilization was able to survive. When Kimosbe died everybody was very sad. They decided to build a massive burial tomb. They traded many of their valuables for these massive stones and dragged them to their holiest spot. They made a glorious tomb to recognize their leader. This tomb has survived for thousand of years even though the civilization was wiped out.

1 comment:

  1. You are a bit off on your dates. Neolithic preceded the Bronze Age. You put them in the Classical Age which follows the Bronze Age. I do like the tie-in to your story from what we learned about megaliths.
