Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why? (from Twitter)
I think that architecture is a good roadmap of history artifacts of humans. The buildings and houses have changed so much over the years, just like the people have. A great deal of history can be shown from just looking at a building from a certain time period. If you look at different time periods, there is usually a different type of architecture for each time in history. Buildings and houses show what they have been through and symbolize what that part of our history was like. You can tell when the pyramids were made just by looking at them. It’s easy to see what that period of time was all about just by looking at a structure of building or two. If you took all the different architectures from history and put them into a time line, you would see how much history progresses just through buildings. It shows that the people building the houses and other structures are progressing along with them. If you follow the way architecture was in the beginning of time up until now, you would see many different things. There are the pyramids to the White House. History can easily be seen through architecture.
Explain. How do you "see history" through architecture? Be specific. Perhaps choose and compare two different time periods -- say Ancient Greece and Renaissance Italy.