Friday, February 4, 2011

Weekly 2: February 4th

Weekly- Week 2, February 4, 2011
Question: Is 'Change' a Good Thing or a Bad Thing? (Relate to the origins of art, the agricultural revolution, architecture and urban planning in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.
According to, change is defined as a transformation, modification, or alteration. Change can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation. Sometimes change is needed to be brought about. Change has brought around several crucial things we need today, but they have also caused some problems we could deal without. Other times change can really mess up things and have people confused. Changes help us advance on bigger and better things. Several things changed in the Mesopotamia and Indus Valley area, so let’s find out about that.
In artwork, a lot of things change. The way you present things change, and your resources change.  These changes affect art in several different ways. The way they create art must become different if they don’t have the same materials that they would before.  Art made advances form the years when cavemen drew on the walls of caves to today where artists get paid billions of dollars for a painting that some people can’t even understand.
In agriculture, a lot of things have changed since ancient times. When we find new ways to grow things and make food, it helps our world become much better. Some of the ways of the ancient farmers are so out-dated that we don’t even know of them today. Finding new ways of growing seeds or harvesting a plant can affect our lives in the long run. If our farm workers make healthy decisions that benefit us and our health.
Urban planning, or architecture, has changes tremendously over time. You can look all around you and it is proven that ways of making buildings have definitely changed. There are the pyramids I Egypt and then the ancient cities in Rome. If you look at those architectures and then look at buildings made in the present time, there are some major differences. We have come up with better ways to make building run more efficiently and thoroughly.
In my perspective, change can be either a great thing or something that worsen situations. Through progressing, we can learn different things about life and apply it later. Change could also bring out the worst in some people and shouldn’t be used later on in life. Bad changes should actually be learned from. Good or bad, change can adjust people’s lives and the way they live.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of things:

    1) An academic essay like this should be five paragraphs, have a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph, cite sources using APA in-text citations, and refrain from using personal pronouns (like I or You).

    2) I would like to see more specific examples -- especially as tie into class discussion.
